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Monday, February 22, 2010

Sneak Peek for Thomas Family

Little H returned for her 12 month/ dol portraits yesterday. She wasn't in the greatest of moods but she still ended up looking like royal princess in her hanbok. Love those eyes! I had to include one of the "not so happy" shots. One day, she'll look back on it and laugh. :) We had an outfit change and H transformed into a little bundle of sunshine. Perfect since it was cold and rainy outside. Big sister L was busy playing in the play room but she came by the studio for a few moments of modeling time. I'm smiling just thinking of her doing 'the robot' while listening to MC Hammer.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Special blanket

My sister in law, B made this blanket for Ellie's 100 day gift. I just love love love the flowers and the scalloped edges. Can you believe this is the first blanket she's ever made?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Behgil (100 day celebration)

Although we celebrated E's 100 day last Saturday, today is her actual 100th day. Since I'm a mom of 3 and my mind is going, I totally forgot until about an hour ago and I rushed and took these pics before I had to go and pick up daughter #1 from school. I was really surprised that she was ok wearing the hanbok! Most babies squirm under all that fabric and embellishment but E was totally chilling and loving the bright studio lights. Happy behgil my little Ellie!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 months old!

I wish I could make time go by slower. My baby is already 3 months old and I feel like she is growing up way too fast. I remember taking her newborn pictures with the same hat and now it barely fit on her head. The older I get, the worse my memory is getting so I need these pictures to forever remind me of this precious stage!

About Me

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JMP focuses on journalistic style photography. The highlight is on laughter and passion a family feels naturally. JMP understands that each child is unique and aims to produce images that reflect that individuality. Yes, tantrums sometimes happen - and that is ok! Sessions can be held at the location of your choice - either at your home or other special location. Please view my website for more information.