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Monday, May 17, 2010

Sneak Peek for Choi Family

I was so excited when J requested portraits in Half Moon Bay for her mother in law's birthday. We had never met before but we have a lot of mutual friends so I felt like I already knew her. Also, she is an extraordinary cook and without her blog my family would go hungry every day. Really.

The weather at the beach was a little chilly but the kids were troopers! Between 2 families, there were 6 kids ranging from 2-10 years old. All the kids were so sweet and cooperative and made my job easy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sneak Peek for Chua Family

I met the Chua family bright and early Saturday morning at a beautiful park in Palo Alto. My friend, Monica suggested we meet at Bol Park and it was a hidden gem with lush, mature trees and a creek. Living in a new community, all the parks around me have little wimpy trees and no shade! So, yes - I was in love with this location. The girls have grown so much since the last time I took their portraits back in 2008. I spent less time chasing after them this time! M's parents and P's parents joined in on the picture taking festivities and we headed out for J's 5th birthday party right after the session.  J & L are so lucky to have such fun grandparents.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My very special mother's day present

Audrey was so excited to show me the present she made at school. She got to choose the color of the bag and decorated the pot with stickers. She wasn't too thrilled when I took out my camera but I had to capture this moment. I know that in the future, my little girl may not be as excited to give me presents. :) I hope I don't kill it as I do not have a green thumb at all.

About Me

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JMP focuses on journalistic style photography. The highlight is on laughter and passion a family feels naturally. JMP understands that each child is unique and aims to produce images that reflect that individuality. Yes, tantrums sometimes happen - and that is ok! Sessions can be held at the location of your choice - either at your home or other special location. Please view my website for more information.