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Saturday, November 22, 2008

If only they could stay little

Can you believe how fast kids grow and change? I always get nostalgic when I look back at my daughters' pictures. I'm sure they think that I'm the crazy mom who always has a camera in their faces, but I'm afraid my memory will fade and I don't want to lose all those beautiful memories. Plus, it's always good to have embarrassing photos to share with their friends as they get older. :)
Above is Baby L who also happens to be my nephew! Look at how much he's changed in 3 months! 

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About Me

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JMP focuses on journalistic style photography. The highlight is on laughter and passion a family feels naturally. JMP understands that each child is unique and aims to produce images that reflect that individuality. Yes, tantrums sometimes happen - and that is ok! Sessions can be held at the location of your choice - either at your home or other special location. Please view my website for more information.