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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sisterly Love

I realized today that since I've spent 6 weeks in bed throwing up, my kids pictures have been sorely neglected. I finally lugged my heavy camera to Lake Elizabeth in Fremont today and took a few shots. I was SO exhausted from walking around the huge park! I have absolutely no stamina - not looking forward to labor! I was so happy to get this shot because I didn't pose them! Yes, they're sweaty and Audrey's hair is all over her face...but Audrey just naturally put her arm around Kiki and Kiki in turn put her hand on her sister's leg. So cute! Hope they will be this good with their new sibling!

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About Me

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JMP focuses on journalistic style photography. The highlight is on laughter and passion a family feels naturally. JMP understands that each child is unique and aims to produce images that reflect that individuality. Yes, tantrums sometimes happen - and that is ok! Sessions can be held at the location of your choice - either at your home or other special location. Please view my website for more information.