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Thursday, August 11, 2011

21 months {San Ramon Photographer}

E hides her hands behind her back when she doesn't want me to hold her hand.

I realized today that E is now 21 months! In just a few short months, she'll be 2 and my baby will be no longer be a baby. Ok, so she's not really a baby right now but in my eyes she will always be "Baby E." She is heading right into the terrible 2s and compared to some of the attitude that my 5 and 6 year old girls give me, the tantrums and crying don't seem too bad! I took E out for a short walk today in hopes that a change of scenery would help her mood and she was so excited to ride her bike. Of course, I ended up pushing it most of the way while E wanted to be held!

About Me

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JMP focuses on journalistic style photography. The highlight is on laughter and passion a family feels naturally. JMP understands that each child is unique and aims to produce images that reflect that individuality. Yes, tantrums sometimes happen - and that is ok! Sessions can be held at the location of your choice - either at your home or other special location. Please view my website for more information.